Hello, it's been a while!

Bonjour amis et famille!

For those of you who read our blog to see how we are doing, I apologize for not posting for the past few weeks.  It has been pretty busy, so we'll try to play catch up this week!

Here is a quick recap of October:

A Trip to the local Saturday Market:

We took a trip to the Saturday market with some friends.  It was such an adventure.  Clothes, shoes, toys, I even saw a minor league baseball hat from near my hometown (Carolina Mudcats)!  The market is near our house and stretches for about a mile.

International Appreciation week!

There are 34 countries represented on DAs campus.  During the week, we had different days of dress from around the world and one afternoon got to sample yummy food from many different countries.  Here is a video to give you an idea of what is was like:

International Appreciation Week Video (Look for a cameo by Daisy!)

Harvest Fest (even thought it was hot!):

Harvest Fest is a fundraiser by the junior & senior class.  They plan the food and activities, which includes corn dogs, funnel cake, slip 'n slide, balloon games, a candy walk, even a haunted house.  It is a favorite for the DA community.  Reid especially liked the air soft gun shooting range!

Trick or Treating:

We gathered the kids together and visited some of the DA staff homes for some good old fashioned trick or treating.  I wonder what the locals thought seeing all of us walking around the neighborhood dressed up?

DA Women vs National Staff in soccer:

There are quite a few Senegalese women who work at DA.  So, the athletic director organized a friendly soccer game between them and some of the non-Senegalese women at DA.  Lindsay got to play and had lots of fun.  It was great to bring everyone together for the game.  Here is an action shot  of Lindsay:

Cavemen Softball:

DA has a softball team called the Cavemen, except we have a few ladies on the team.  So, we'll call our new team the Cavepeople.  We play each weekend at Ebbets field, which is owned by the US Embassy.  So, technically, we play our games in the US.  It is a great field beside the coast with a grill to get yummy cheeseburgers, a playground for the kids, and a cool breeze off the water.  We played this past Friday night under the lights, so it was a great environment.  Lots of DA families come to watch and support the team.  We have even won our first 2 games!

World Series with coffee?

I got up on Saturday morning a few weeks ago, poured some coffee around 7am, and checked the score on the Red Sox-Dodgers World Series game from the previous night.  I was shocked to see that the game was tied and in the 17th inning!  SO, I quickly logged in and watched the rest of the game while drinking my morning Starbucks.

Kids and sports:
Daisy started volleyball this week and Reid started Junior soccer.  We are thankful that DA offers so many sports opportunities! 

Here is our "1 second every day" video for October.

We hope and trust that each of you are doing well and as always, we love to hear from you!


The Mussers


  1. Hi Mussers!
    Tim, I posted something and hope you received it! Let me know if you have a separate email address.
    Best to Lindsay, Daisey, Sam & Reid! Y'all are missed!
    Janet & Rick

  2. OK...I think I've figured out the "Blog" thing so here's an addendum to what you more than likely didn't receive!
    All's good with The Brights on Strathmore. Same/same with Janet and me...FMC and RBG.
    Martha and Nick are expecting #1 in May 2019. They're still in Raleigh and doing well.
    Brandon, Ryan and the (now) 4 boys are wrapping up their assignment in KS. Starting in June 2019, next stop is Okinawa, Japan for 3 years!
    Our best you y'all!
    Janet & Rick

    1. Rick, Good to hear from you. Congratulations on your growing family! You can email me at Tim.Musser@dakar-academy.org. That is the best way to get in touch with us. Hope the neighbors across the street are doing well.

  3. okay but its too late to post a november so you can let people see


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